All, Personal Development
Comments 6


A letter to myself on the first day of the last month of the year: 

As we know, this year has been something else. We’ve experienced, a lot. As I was reflecting on this year and my feelings about it, the following came about. It came about because I have frustrations, I have heartaches, I have doubts and they all come from the things experienced in this past year. So, I wrote this.  

You may be tempted to dismiss the small things. 

You may be tempted to dismiss the hard things. 

You may be tempted to dismiss the set backs.


Don’t sit in your discouragement. 

Don’t stop believing in your dreams. 

It may seem like your time is racing past you,

It may seem like you just can’t catch up.

It may seem like your unrealized goals of this year were failures.

Because you didn’t accomplish what you set out to,

But they weren’t. 

This year you learned, a lot.

This year you continued to dream. 

This year you learned to pay attention to your voice. 

You realized the value of connection.

You realized freedom in feeling your emotions.

You realized the power of rest and you realized the strength that lies in the quiet.

This year you got angry,

This year you cried, a lot. 

This year you sat in contemplative silence.

This year you struggled. 

But this year is almost over. 

And you’re strong. 

And you’re soft. 

And you’re bold. 

You found comfort in places that used to bring you discomfort. 

And this year you’re at peace. 

And that makes it worth it. 

It is not too late to grow. 

It is not too late to realize your dreams. 

It is not too late to be who you were created to be. 

As you move on from this year to the next, you may wonder if there is anything worthy of celebrating…now you know there is. 

So continue. 

Continue reaching.

Continue learning. 

Continue dreaming.

Because It’s not over yet. 

This entry was posted in: All, Personal Development


Hi! I’m Nicole Eva, Journal Enthusiast, Healthy Habit Builder, and Advocate of all things Rest and Wellness. My job—to introduce you to YOU; The healthy, beautiful, authentic you. The you that sometimes gets lost in both the mundane and chaos of our world. I do this by sharing tips, stories, videos, guides, and more. I’ll challenge you, encourage you, and celebrate you all the way through your discovery of YOU. Currently, I’m studying to gain my certification in Holistic Nutrition and Health and Wellness Coaching and I’ll be sharing the cool things I’m learning with you along the way! Big fan of tea, cozy things, and well-designed spaces, so we’ll definitely talk about that too. Looking forward to getting to know you!


  1. makaylajesalyn says

    Nicole, I love this! Your writing is SO powerful! Thank you so much for this – its so inspirational! 🤗

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Ashante says

    Well written blog post Nicole! This is something we all need to remind ourselves of. I really like how you mentioned that it’s never too late to reach your dreams, to grow, and to be all that we were created to be. It’s really easy for us to become a victim of comparison. Since we see so many people (especially those we know) getting ahead in their lives, we start feeling like we’re behind and get discouraged.

    But like you said in this post, we can’t sit in our discouragement. In order to be who God created us to be, we have to continue to use the gifts that He instilled in us in order to help and encourage others. Thanks for sharing this reminder with us Nicole! 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks Ashante!

      That’s exactly it. We can see so many people doing what we want to be doing or growing in ways we’re not just yet and we can easily get into our own heads and start to get down on ourselves. It’s too easy s we’ve got to be proactive to counter that.

      Thanks so much for reading and for your feedback ❤️

      Liked by 1 person

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