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So. I’ve Started Reading Again…


Do you know how long it has been since I’ve read a book for fun? A long time. I’ve been reading, but not for enjoyment. I’ve been reading to learn. I’ve been reading books that help me be better at my job. Books that help me to be a better boss. Books that help me to be a better leader. I’ve been reading books that break down different sections of the bible and help me to gain deeper understanding of things. I’ve been reading books that relate to sociology and understanding the way things function around me. But I call that less reading and more so research.

I was pretty sure college ruined pleasure reading for me. But I’m happy to say that last week I picked up a book that I started reading a few years ago that a friend let me borrow, then keep and I finally sat down again and started reading it from the beginning. So far it’s lovely. I connect with the character because not only does she seem like such a cute person but oh my goodness is the the most awkward human and like….same. Also, (This will tell you how long its been) this is the first time that I’m reading a book that has a lot of its content referencing social media, much like our everyday lives. It gave me that same shock factor that I had the first time I watched Arthur and his sister, D.W. (Dora Winnifred Read, but D.W for short…throw back to the books) pull out an iPhone in one of the episodes. I was shooketh. All in all it’s quite an interesting read so far and I love the fact that I’m able to empty my brain and fill it momentarily with some relatable nonsense.

….relatable nonsense. I like that phrasing. (Searched the internet to see if anyone else had discovered the poetic essence of placing those two words side by side and of course, because the world is filled with beautifully minded people it is already a brand (multiple brands) of some sort)

The book i’m currently reading is called “My (not so) Perfect Life” by, Sophie Kinsella. It’s pretty brilliant so far. I can’t wait to finish it. I’m trying to go slow so that I can enjoy it longer. It helps that I’m so busy. Hopefully I can make it last until I go to Barbados next month. Oh, right, I’m going to Barbados next month. Well, that’s the plan right now at the moment. We’ll talk about that another time. If I happen to finish it before then, then I may just take to the world of instagram stories to see what the rest of you recommend for my next relatable nonsense adventure. (That was a very non subtle plug for you guys to stay up to date with my day to day, very non spectacular existence on instagram… Nicole__Eva (2 underscores)). If you’re following me from my blog specifically, please let me know. I’d love to be insta friends. Super lame but there it is.

Anyway, that’s enough rambling for one day. I’ll talk to you all later.
See ya round,


This entry was posted in: Lifestyle


Hi! I’m Nicole Eva, Journal Enthusiast, Healthy Habit Builder, and Advocate of all things Rest and Wellness. My job—to introduce you to YOU; The healthy, beautiful, authentic you. The you that sometimes gets lost in both the mundane and chaos of our world. I do this by sharing tips, stories, videos, guides, and more. I’ll challenge you, encourage you, and celebrate you all the way through your discovery of YOU. Currently, I’m studying to gain my certification in Holistic Nutrition and Health and Wellness Coaching and I’ll be sharing the cool things I’m learning with you along the way! Big fan of tea, cozy things, and well-designed spaces, so we’ll definitely talk about that too. Looking forward to getting to know you!


  1. Ashante says

    I really can relate to this post. I’m just now starting to get back into reading too. I graduated from college with an English major, and I read sooo…many…books! Ugggggh!! The college professors I came across gave tight deadlines,pop quizzes, and various chapters to read. It force students to skim through the information rather than actually taking time to enjoy the book. I’ve heard many college professors say that this method actually helps students in the long run to dissect information when it comes to prepping students for the work world. However, I feel that this method comes with a price for many. Since reading was so often associated with schoolwork for me….it took a very long time for me to get back into it (which is pretty sad, since I absolutely LOVED to read when I was younger).

    Slowly but surely, I’m trying to get back into it by reading free books online. Not really my cup of tea….but it’ll have to do.

    I’ve never been to Barbados, but that sounds fun! Hope you had a great time while you were there. Enjoyed reading this post! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m happy you can relate! But also happy that you’re getting back into it!
      It’s so sad that academia can steal the joy of reading for fun from us. But hopefully we all are able to ease back into it 🤍

      And Barbados was lovely ☺️thank you so much for reading!


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